
Theorizing Black Lesbians within Black Feminism: A Critique of Same-Race Street Harassment

Black Lesbians are facing a larger plight than their heterosexual counterparts, so this article emphasizes the importance of acknowledging that those from both groups must work together in order to achieve a society where the interplay between all genders and races is a bridge to making matters more pertinent.

The Gender Identity Movement Undermines Lesbians

This article emphasizes that while these feminist movements have been around for years, there is a lack of acknowledgment of those black lesbian feminists who blazed trails for future generations. Even though black women are already considered away from the normal narrative, this article emphasizes that even black women don’t acknowledge the importance of intersectionality.

The Missing Colors of the Rainbow: Black Queer Resistance

This article assembles a queer ideology in a world where the perceived majority are the only ones that matter. This is problematic and showcases how the current state of being includes the taking out of one group in favor of another group under the guise of acceptance, however this is not what intersectionality is. The black lesbian feminist movement proves that the intersectionality of the movement is crucial to the betterment of representation for future generations.

Queer Black Feminism: The Pleasure Principle

Laura Alexandra Harris poignantly points out that all groups intertwined within the feminist movement (this articles focuses on the relationships between black and white women) need to come together as their different experiences will lead to a more cohesive look at how women from all over are impacted by patriarchal values. The future of the black lesbian feminist movement relies on the acceptance of all.

Toward a Hemispheric Analysis of Black Lesbian Feminist Activism and Hip Hop Feminism: Artist Perspectives from Cuba and Brazil

Tanya L. Saunders showcases how black lesbian hip hop groups could mean a sea of change regarding the future of the feminist movement as her focus remains on how black lesbians in hip hop readily embrace their culture in everything they do. This showcases that these women who embrace their culture are a potential foundation for the importance of intersectionality outside even the scope of the United States.

Black Lesbian Resistance and Resilience

Sheila Alexander-Reid points out in this article that every moment that the feminist movement has wrought in their favor has an impact that should not be seen as unimportant to the grand scheme of the black lesbian feminist movement or the movement in general. We are all people who should come together because we need to showcase that all lives are able to be intertwined and should be intertwined in order to showcase our strength as people.